Saturday, February 5, 2011


So I decided that I am very bad. In my British Literature class last week a girl gave a presentation on Emma (since it was the book we just finished) and showed a clip from the new 2009 Emma. Since she pulled it up on youtube, I saw that the entire four hour long movie was online. I wanted to go the library that very night and plug my headphones in and watch it, but I finished my George Herbert paper instead. Then I edited, studied for a test, did everything I was supposed to. But I watched it today. And I should have been working on my paper on Keats and Coleridge and the nature of a poet. No regrets though.
It was beautiful.

I do have to say that the men in this movie were especially swoon-worthy.
Mr. Knightly:

And Mr. Churchill

Did you notice that Frank Churchill was also Frederick Hale off of North and South?

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